
Silverbucket's Resource Management Day


Terça-feira, 22 Outubro 2024


13:30 Europe/Helsinki

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Pauta do evento

We welcome you to join Silverbucket’s Resource Management Day on 22.10.2024. Discover the latest developments of Silverbucket, an insightful keynote from Neste, and a panel discussion about the importance of resource management. This event is all about mastering project resource management better.
The event will take place in Tampere, but you are warmly welcome to join us virtually if you prefer so. Please note that the event will be conducted in English. 

When: Tuesday 22.10.2024 at 13.00
Venue: Virtually or at Silverbucket office in Tampere (Hämeenkatu 26A)


13.00 Coffee, meet and greet!
13.30 Welcome - Reija Stenroos, Head of Silverbucket Sales, EG Software Finland
13.35 Silverbucket Journey at Neste, Antti Kankaanranta, Development Manager, Portfolio Management, Neste Oyj
14.15 Awaited new features of Silverbucket, Aleksi Torvikoski, Scrum Master and Jonna Vähänen, Sales Manager from EG Software Finland

During the presentation we will introduce to you the most advanced features that the new interface has to offer and how they can make your resourcing experience quick and enjoyable. We will also show you a quick climpse on what to expect in the near future.

15.00 Break
15.10 Panel - Importance of resource management
16.00 Wine O’clock